SW adaptation through reflective, aspect-oriented and meta-data techniques

The ADAPT lab. is a research laboratory of the DICo department at the University of Milano.


The mission of the ADAPT research laboratory consists of developing (new), adapting and experimenting reflective, aspect-oriented and any other adaptive technology to support software evolution, maintenance and development.

Currently, the ADAPT lab. research focuses on the definition of reflective and adaptive framework to face SW evolution due to unanticipated events (look at RAMSES projects, Blueprint and Reflective Petri Nets).

Co-evolution of design information and code (look at the ReverseR) and the evolution driven by design information (look at the Blueprint and the RAMSES funded projects) are laboratory research topics as well.

Finally, to tackle on the limitations of the existing reflective and aspect-oriented approaches are still in our focus (look at @Java, Smart Reflection and Blueprint).


From 6 th to 10 th of July 2009, the 23 rd European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP'09).

Current Roster, Collaborators and VIP Alumni

FacultyMsc. StudentsAlumni
Walter Cazzola (Chair) Roberto Bentivoglio Ahmed Ghoneim (PhD)
Lorenzo Capra Marco Bolzan Sonia Pini (PhD)
Federico Luraschi Andrea Cardinale (Msc)
Collaborations Marco Poggi Valentina Usai (Msc)
Alessandro Garcia Gabriele Rabbiosi
Alessandro Marchetto Mattia Ronchi
Gunter Saake Stefano Salvotelli
Ivan Speziale
Marco Ziliani
Bsc. Students
Federico Pedemonte

Walter Cazzola



Funded Projects

Research Projects

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